
Keep up to date with our newest blawgs – informal, short and to the point!

Steering Glaciers

How Bureaucratic Inertia at the CRA is Exposing You to Risk  Tax Haiku of the Week Slow moving glaciers, Impossible to control, Taxpayers beware. Introduction Most of us are aware that in addition to glaciers simply being really old, really big ice, they are also...

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Canada’s Voluntary Disclosures Programme

The Regularization of Undeclared Assets May Soon be Changing SO DO IT NOW OR FACE CONSEQUENCES! Tax Haiku of the Week Confess your tax sins! Income not declared?  Please seek Absolution now! INTRODUCTION The Canadian Voluntary Disclosures Program (the...

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Charities’ Spending on Politics

How the CBC got it wrong again. Really wrong. Again. Tax Haiku of the Week CBC is wrong, Begging them to find sources, Like Jerry Springer. The CBC published an opinion piece on Sunday with the sensationalist headline “The Liberals are considering loosening the reins...

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Employee or Contractor for Canadian Tax Purposes?

Ontario Real Estate Association v MNR, 2014 TCC 190 Link to Court Document Canadian Tax Haiku of the week: Am I Contractor? Or Employee? If unsure Just follow the test Introduction A trend emerging within the Canadian workforce has been the increase of out-sourcing...

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